There are some people in this world that I love and look up to because of their work, talent, looks, products, mind, vision, position and many other things.
Im going to list some of them and what would I want to ask them, advices, help,... lets see.
Lets start with
Queen Rania Of Jordan. I've always been a big fan of the Queen, because of her ultimate elegance, charm, great looks, nice smile, nice taste& being gorgeous.
If I meet Q. Rania one day I'll ask her: who picks your clothes? who goes shopping with you? whats your favorite brand other than Prada? would you wear young (amatuer) designers creations? would you accept a dress, as a present, from a young Jordanian talented fashion designer? and how can I work with you? How does it feel to have your world turned upside down over a night by becoming the beautiful, great Queen you are now? I sooo would love to talk to you about this!
Tom Ford. Tom ford, hasnt only been a role model, and someone who impressed me for a LONG time, he's been like... gorgeous talented man, a geniues businessman and great visionary! If I meet him, I'll ask/tell him: I need your advice in starting a business, creating an image, how were you able to be the mastermind behind gucci for 10 years, and creating designs that remains till this day, a great success? how can you be so gorgeous at 46? would you be my mentor? and I want to tell you that I dont usualy wear suits, but looking at your mens wear line, made me want to have a suit made by you. You are such a great person, I hope I'll be able to meet you one day! :)
Anna Wintour. When you mention her name, you get the feeling that people are scared! are you that scary? Anna wintour has the ability to left a designer soooo high and make him/her so famous by one article! :D I really appreciate her support for young fashion designers, that means she appreciates talent, and is willing to help. I would like to ask you, how is it possible to run such a great huge magazine, and be this person who you are? I really admire you.
karl Lagerfeld. Ok, well I said alot of things about Tom Ford and how he is a role model, but Karl Lagerfeld falls into a totaly different category! I mean i doubt really I'll be able to describe how I look at this man. Not only it would be a dream , A REAL DREAM coming true to work with you, but cant actuly describe it :) I want to ask you, how, on earth, can your designs be so modern, so trendy, so up to date with the latest trends, yet you ALWAYS keep the CHANEL identity? each collection you amaze me, to the point where I start day dreaming! :) I've seen couple of documentaries about your work at CHANEL, I watched them a 1000 times, and I can never get enough! I salute you from the bottom of my heart, I love you, and I dream of the day I will meet you! :)
Amanda Harlech, How does it feel to be the muse of the greatest fashion house in the world? do you feel like you are the luckiest girl ever? do you actuly realize that when you wake up? when you are alone, do you say "OH MY GOD I'm the muse of Chanel and Karl" ? If you do, I wonder how that feels! I would really love to know.
Marc Jacobs, I do NOT have to remind about this, but you are the CREATIVE DIRECTOR of LOUIS VUITTON. do you realize how powerful this is? :) how does it feel to be able to walk in their Champs Elysees store and literally pick up anything and just walk out? well this is probably not comparable to being the designer of this brand, AND being able to have anything LV custom made for you! :) you are so talented and I look up to you just as much!
I'll let u know if I ever get answers to the questions and make sure not to go crazy and keep my cool when I see them. wish me luck! ;)
The Styloholic.